Remember when life was simpler? Food choices were easier, home goods were made of materials that were quality products handed down through the generations, and we were healthier. It is time to get back to the basics of life. Whole, minimally processed foods are the key to re-programming our bodies at a cellular level. Materials and products should be considered investments in our health. It is a lifestyle that is simple, wholesome, and basic. It is a return to our heritage.
About the Founder
Allison Wolters
Hi, I am Allison Wolters RD/LD, but you can call me Al! My mission in life is to educate others and encourage them to cultivate lives that are fulfilling and healthy. I have been a registered dietitian for over 30 years. I have watched diet trends, weight loss drugs, and food crazes come and go. Through every twist and turn research seems to return to the fact that basic whole food is better for you. Somehow through all of the changes we have lost our way, we no longer desire healthy food and do not possess basic cooking skills. My years of raising four kids and living remotely have taught me the art of improvisation with menu items and how to prepare nutritious foods for a variety of pallets. I love good food that is good for you and I am here to guide you as you return “back to the basics” of health.
In my free time I love adventure & exploring beautiful America from the trails along with my husband. I love the hunt for treasures in thrifting and I now have grandchildren to motivate me to stay healthy!